Pick-up soccer at WalMart fields:
- Monday Nov. 10, 4:30 PM
- Thursday Nov. 13, 4:30 PM
- Sunday Nov. 16, 3:00 PM
- Wednesday Nov. 19, 4:30 PM
and if this works we will continue on Sundays and Wednesdays at the times above.
Ron is anxious to get back to the library fields, so if other people prefer that they can discuss. I prefer WalMart fields, partly because all our pop-up goals are going to be used for middle school indoor and it will be hard to keep getting them to all the games.
We can discuss times and days if these don't seem to work. There has been general agreement that Sunday afternoons is good for people, and there has been hope that one weekday would still work for enough people to make it worthwhile.
I won't be at Thursday's or Sunday's games but I will be on e-mail so if anyone needs announcements sent out to the list just let me know.
PS John can you post? Thanks!